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The Werewolf Style Guide

Hi! Hello!! Welcome to the inside of my chaotic brain. I'm Nix, one of those "I remember before the internet"middle aged people. I have a very soft spot in my heart for the way the internet was back then. I love blogs and message boards and chat rooms and AOL IM/ICQ and RSS Feed Readers and long form content. I have been actively trying to avoid use of short form content social media as much as possible too.

I want this to simultaneously have the feel of a Geocities website from the late 90's/early 2000's mixed with a Livejournal. I want to spend less time doom scrolling on social media even if that means no one ever comes to this website or ever interacts. 

I want to use this space to share photos I take, art I make, thoughts, and feelings. I hope you found this website because you're a like minded weirdo who is looking for connection, inspiration, and friendship.

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